SQL*XL: Excel SQL Server OLEDB Connection


To connect to SQL Server using the OLE DB Provider (driver) please follow the procedure below:

Start Excel

Open the Connection dialog: SQL*XL | Connect...

Start the Data Link Properties wizard

Data Link Properties

Choose the Provider Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server.


First select a server name. Use refresh to repopulate the list. If your entry is not in the list type it in. Use the computer name or ip address.

Choose a way to authenticate to the database. For a local SQL Server choose NT security. For remote databases you need a user account that matches your current computer account (same user/password) to connect with NT security. When you want to be authenticated at the database just type a username and password.

Select a database on the server from the list. Note that if you choose master you have to prefix all your table names with database.scheme. e.g. northwind.dbo.customers


Always use the Test Connection button before you continue

After connecting to the database once you can reconnect by selecting the connection from the Connection History list and typing the Password.

See also: