SQL*XL: Excel Active Directory OLEDB Connection


To connect to Active Directory using the OLE DB Provider (driver) please follow the procedure below:

Open the Connection dialog: SQL*XL | Connect...
Start the Data Link Properties wizard

Choose the Provider  OLE DB provider for Microsoft Directory Services.


Strangely enough you can leave all fields completely blank and still connect successfully.
I do suggest you enter a database name in the Data Source box.
In the AD documentation I found that the user name and password would dictate the level of access you will have to Active Directory. I have tried with no details (it will use the current OS details), NT security or just any dummy values for the user name and found that when I entered the wrong details I did not have full access to the AD.
Always use the Test Connection button before you continue

After connecting to the database once you can reconnect by selecting the connection from the Connection History list and typing the Password.

See also: