First use of SQL*XL

To use SQL*XL in Excel you need to manually launch SQL*XL once so it can add the SQL*XL toolbar and menu to Excel. After that you can use SQL*XL simply by starting Excel and by using the SQL*XL menu or toolbar.



To start SQL*XL for the first time use one of the following methods: (top)


Security warnings and SQL*XL's digital signature: (top)

On first use Excel will display a warning that you are trying to start a file with macros from Linker IT Software BV. TRUE! SQL*XL contains macros so it can do its work. Linker IT Software BV is my company name.

For more information about the digital signature please see the digital signature topic in the trouble shooting section.

To not get this annoying question again find instructions below:

Excel 97 users:
You can simply click Yes to indicate that you trust SQL*XL. Excel will not ask you this again.

Excel 2000 users:
Click "Enable Macros" to indicate that you want to start SQL*XL from Linker IT Software BV(my company name). If you check the "Always trust macros from this source) box Excel willnot ask you this again. If you do not check the box Excel will ask you this again each time you use SQL*XL.

Excel 2002 (XP) & 2003 users:
Click "Enable Macros" to indicate that you want to start SQL*XL from Linker IT Software BV (my company name).
If this option is grayed out Excel's security will be set to high. Set it temporarily to medium to specify that you trust SQL*XL. Simply set security back to high again when you have indicated to trust SQL*XL.
Do not set the security to very high as that prevents all macros from being executed.

In Excel go to Tools|Options|Security|Macro Security.

If you check the "Always trust macros from this source" box Excel willnot ask you this again. If you do not check the box Excel will ask you this again each time you use SQL*XL.